Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Premature babies may grow up to have weaker bones

premature birth and weak bones,premature babies and bones
via medicaldaily.com
"Among the many important processes that happen during a woman's last few weeks of pregnancy is the transfer of calcium to the growing foetus to boost bone development. But what happens if this transfer is interrupted when a baby is born prematurely?

The answer, it seems, is lower peak bone mass as an adult, compared to adults who were born full term. Adults who were born full term but were small for their gestational age also had lower bone mass. These findings are important since peak bone mass is a major determinant of future osteoporosis.

"Few studies to date have addressed bone mass in adults who were born with low birth weight, and there are conflicting findings," said Chandima Balasuriya, the first author of the study. Balasuriya is a medical doctor and PhD candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and St Olavs University Hospital. "Our study shows that both those born prematurely with a very low birth weight and those who were born full term, but small for their gestational age, had lower bone mass than the control group, who were born full term with normal weights..."

Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. it's a very helpful article, In my opinion, every mom wanna-be should understand that being pregnant is a miracle, so they will take care their body with a great love and understanding.
