Thursday, May 12, 2016

Case of a 39 year old woman experiencing successful pregnancy without IVF after suppression of the NK cytotoxic activity

successful pregancy without IVF,case reports of successful pregnancy,NK cell suppression and successful pregnancy
"Nowadays, there is statistic evidence worldwide that more than 10% of couples are infertile. Some times, there is no evidence for the couple’s infertility and many couples proceed to the in vitro fertilization (IVF) (Nelson and Lawlor 2011). Up to 3 % annual births in developed countries occurred because of assisted reproductive techonologies (ARTs) (Gosden et al., 2003). Most women at their 40 years of their age and over are seeking fertility through ARTs and specifically IVF (Smajdor A. 2011).

In our case, 39 year old woman was trying intensively to be pregnant the last 2 years without success. The last 9 months started asking for some tests to figure out what was the problem. The investigation started with the husband’s sperm excluding that he was infertile. The husband’s sperm was detected for motility, biochemistry and microbiology markers and finally DNA fragmentation index. All tests for the condition of the sperm were fine, which means that the husband is eligible in contributing positively in fertilization.

Then the parameters that were tested for the woman were any anatomical abnormalities in endometrium and uterus and the adequacy of primary follicles during the third day of the cycle. Then the hormonal levels were tested (LH, FSH, PRL, E2, TESTO, DHEA-S, SHBG, AMH), anti-thyroid antibodies (ATA), anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (TAT), and anti-microsomal antibodies (MAT). All serum levels of the previous tests were normal and the condition of that particular woman was considered fine. Then, a first attempt was sperm insemination was performed at the beginning of December without pregnancy success..."

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