Thursday, November 16, 2017

Is human embryo research the key to treating infertility?

human embryo research and infertility treatment
"Human embryo research remains controversial in many places around the world, including in the United States. Public funding, and sometimes the research itself, is often prohibited, according to experts who are calling for accelerated research.

“This state of affairs hampers the acquisition of new insights into the intricate process of early human development,” write Eli Adashi and Rajiv McCoy in the journal EMBO Reports. “More importantly, translational breakthroughs intent on improving infertility care are being delayed. Patients afflicted with infertility deserve better.”

Adashi is a professor of medical science and former dean of medicine and biological sciences at Brown University, and McCoy is a genome sciences postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington.

Successful IVF

The healthy development of an embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) depends on whether most, if not all, of the cells have the proper number of chromosomes.

In theory, pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) technology, lets doctors spot-check chromosome count before choosing which embryo to implant in the mother.

Adashi and McCoy report, however, that PGS has serious limitations that can only be overcome with more human embryo research, even as they acknowledge the controversy surrounding that research.

What doctors and hopeful parents want to see in PGS is 46 chromosomes—two pairs of 23—a normal state of affairs called “euploidy.” An abnormal number, or “aneuploidy,” could signal a fatal flaw in early development..."

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