Monday, March 20, 2017

Androgens play a key role in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

adrogens and polycystic ovary syndrome,adrogens and PCOS
"Scientists led by the University of Birmingham have discovered that a new class of male sex hormones known as androgens plays a key role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

The research, published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, shows that these novel androgens make up more than half of the androgen pool in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

A common condition, believed to affect at least one in ten women in the UK, PCOS has significant impact on the life of affected women, causing symptoms which may include the following:

· Irregular periods: in which the ovaries do not regularly release eggs (PCOS is the most common cause of infertility in the UK)
· Polycystic ovaries -- in which the ovaries enlarge as more and more follicles develop but fail to release a mature egg
· High levels of androgens: male sex hormones such as testosterone, which may cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair

While previous research exclusively focused on the role of the classic androgen, testosterone, in PCOS, this research breaks new ground by showing that a novel class of androgens, known as 11-oxygenated C19 steroids, is the major contributor to androgen excess in women with PCOS..."

1 comment:

  1. I first had symptoms when i was 17 and was told that i had PCOS (thin people type PCOS) and was officially diagnosed at 22 ans now i am 35. I have always had regular periods and unless on birth control pills were they irregular at times and I had a hard time getting pregnant because of the absent periods. I was always told by doctors that I would have a hard time conceiving so I would only go on the pill periodically which i did for more than 4 years, not for protection against getting pregnant, but just to get a period (since I was told it's not healthy to have less than 4 or so periods a year). Last time I went on a 3 month birth control pill and then stopped again because the medicine was not curing my pcos nor making me get pregnant. I went in search for a cure and ended up with so many drugs, medicine and even soaps that didn't work. I actually thought at a point that i was cursed that there is no cure for it, i was prepared to live like that till i read a testimony of a patient who suffered from pcos whose case was even worse than mine and how she was cured completely, I was amazed and at thesame time anxious and curious so i had to contact the doctor with the contact details that she left on the note. The doctor gave me so much hope and confidence with her kind words of encouragement to believe in myself and i was lifted because no one has ever given me hope like that before. I ordered the medicine, took it for 8 weeks and to my complete surprise, all the facial hairs, weight gain and all disappeared within 4 weeks and I ended up getting pregnant within a few weeks of completing the treatment! I was in shock. I think the main reasons it happened was that I never gave up and was ready to try alternative treatment so my body was back to normal. Before now i never enjoyed sex because it was very painful but now i do and my husband is the best thing that ever happened to me.. I hope this inspires some of you because I never in a million years would have thought that I would get pregnant and was getting frustrated and now our baby is due next month! Here is her contact if you are experiencing a similar case.
