Thursday, February 16, 2017

Understanding the language of fertility: IUI explained

language of fertility what IUI means,what IUI means in fertility,fertility treatments
"There are many different treatment protocols if you need help conceiving. IUI, also known as Intrauterine Insemination or artificial insemination, is one of the most common fertility treatment protocols used today.

What Is IUI Used For?

IUI's are used to treat many different infertility diagnoses, including:
Ovulation irregularities
Early stage endometriosis
Unexplained infertility
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Sporadic menstrual cycles
Mild Male Factor (sperm that may do better being collected, "washed" and placed into the uterus)

What Happens During an IUI Procedure?

IUI's can be done either with or without ovulation boosting medications. If an IUI is done with medications, then the ovaries are stimulated to produce a small amount of mature eggs. Unlike IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), where eggs are removed and then fertilized, with an IUI,  the emphasis is on ensuring that there are only a few eggs that emerge. There is a possibility of multiple pregnancies when an IUI is done and  more than just a few mature eggs emerge so there needs to be careful  and consistent monitoring.

When the eggs are mature, there is a "trigger" shot- a medication that encourages the follicles (fluid filled sacs that contain the eggs) to release the eggs. Then the sperm is collected, via masturbation, and given to the fertility program's lab to be prepared. The sperm is carefully prepared and then introduced into the uterus via the cervix, using a small catheter.

Many fertility programs do two inseminations in each cycle to maximize the probability of the sperm reaching the eggs at the optimum time.

There is very little after care that needs to be done. The inseminations are typically pain free. There is no particular activities that you need to avoid or precautions that you need to take. Most fertility programs do advise against very aggressive physical exercise.

Some fertility protocols include medications after the IUI to further support early implantation.

And then there's the wait.

For more information about IUI's, please contact us. If you have been trying to conceive for one year, it's time to seek help."

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