Monday, January 23, 2017

Why and when to take Folic Acid during pregnancy

pregnancy and folid acid,Why and when to take Folid Acid during pregnancy
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"...Is it important to take certain vitamins before your pregnancy? Very important. Carolyn is shining the spotlight on Folic Acid this month. January is the month of awareness around birth defects and one of the best, most effective ways to prevent them is by taking an appropriate amount of folic acid. 

Well before you become pregnant, start taking folic acid, men and women. The benefits are well-documented and the outcomes are what we are all hoping for- a healthy baby. 

When is the best time to start taking folic acid?

All women of childbearing ago should be taking folic acid daily.  It is best to start three months or more before conception.  Best to take vitamins with food at a larger meal, such as lunch or dinner.  Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut (RMACT) does not recommend breakfast time.

If a woman has already had a child with a neural tube defect, her risk for having another is very high.  She should speak with her RMACT physician or OB/gyn to get a high dose prescription folic acid.

Could taking too much folic acid be a problem?

Yes.  Do not take more folic acid than recommended by your physician or fertility nutritionist.  A mega dose of folic acid, without a medical reason, can mask a B12 deficiency--causing pernicious anemia and irreversible nerve damage.

Building healthy families, one baby at a time, means including folic acid as part of your fertility treatment protocol..."

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