Monday, November 7, 2016

New sperm research could lead to cut in infertility rate

sperm research and infertility rates,male infertility and sperm research
"Sperm and mathematics don't appear to be the likeliest of bedfellows -- but new research bringing the two together could lead to devices that could cut infertility rates.

Today sees the start of National Fertility Awareness Week (31 October -- 6 November, 2016) and with infertility affecting about one in six people, a team of mathematicians, bioengineers, computer engineers and clinicians are working on a system that could identify which sperm are able to successfully deliver their cargo of DNA to the egg.

The University of Birmingham research, funded through an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Healthcare Technologies Challenge Award, could then lead to better treatment decisions that would save distress and expense and lead to more healthy births.

Infertility treatments such as IVF are currently hampered by imprecise diagnostics, with the monitoring of sperm not utilising cutting edge technology..."

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