Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Scientists unlock X-Files DNA mystery

dna mystery solved by scientists,dna unlocking its mystery
"Scientists have unlocked a crucial part of the mystery as to how our DNA can replicate and repair itself - something which is essential for all life forms.

The new research, conducted by leading scientists at the University of Sheffield, has revealed how branched DNA molecules are removed from the iconic double-helical structure -a process which scientists have been looking to unlock for over 20 years.

Jon Sayers, Professor of Functional Genomics at the University of Sheffield and lead author of the study, said: "Branched DNA features in several episodes of the X-Files as Agent Scully suspects aliens inserted it in her blood.

"In reality, far from being of alien origin, branched DNA is formed every day in our bodies. It happens every time our cells divide. These branches are essential intermediates formed during the process of copying our DNA."

The interdisciplinary team from the University's Departments of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, captured never-before-seen snapshots of the molecular events in incredible detail. They show how Flap EndoNuclease enzymes (FENs) trim branched DNA molecules after cells have divided.

The scientists found the FEN threads the free end of the branch through a hole in the enzyme before sliding along to the trunk where it acts like a pair of molecular secateurs, trimming the branch and restoring the iconic double-helix..."

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