Monday, May 16, 2016

Scientists identify protein which could improve treatments for recurrent miscarriages

protein for treating recurrent miscarriages,protein and pregancy
"Scientists at the University of Sheffield have identified a protein, involved in the development of the human placenta, may also help embryos implant in the womb - something which could improve treatments for recurrent miscarriages and pre-eclampsia.

The pioneering study shows that a protein called Syncytin-1, which was the result of a viral infection of our primate ancestors 25 million years ago, is first secreted on the surface of a developing embryo even before it implants in the womb.

This means the protein is likely to play a major role in helping embryos stick to the womb as well as the formation of the placenta.

This fundamental understanding of the earliest stages of human embryo development is crucial for improving current treatments for a variety of stressful complications during pregnancy such as recurrent miscarriages, foetal growth restriction syndrome and pre-eclampsia - a life-threatening condition of elevated maternal blood pressure during pregnancy.

Professor Harry Moore, Co-Director for the University's Centre for Stem Cell Biology and lead author of the study, said: "Recurrent miscarriages, foetal growth restriction syndrome and pre-eclampsia are all significant and very stressful complications of pregnancy..."

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