Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Microgravity research satellite explores embryo development in space

embryo development in space
"A new study shows mammals can be developed in space. China Daily reported on the study Sunday. The experiment involves China's SJ-10 recoverable satellite. Cheng Yingqi said that high-resolution photographs were sent back by SJ-10. "For the first time in human history, it has been proven that the early stages of embryos in mammals can be developed completely in a space environment."

A photo in China Daily showed two-cell mouse embryos, four hours before launch. The report said that mouse embryos carried by the return capsule completed the entire developing process within 96 hours from the launch, the first reported successful development of mammalian embryos in space.

Therein lies the significance of this exploration. A researcher and professor said that there now was proof that the most crucial step in our reproduction – early embryo development – was possible in outer space.

What is China's SJ-10? This is a microgravity satellite which launched on April 6. According to China Daily, "The return capsule on the satellite will stay in orbit for several days before heading back to Earth. An orbital module will continue to conduct experiments for a few more days..."

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