Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ovarian rejuvenation therapy with PRP (Plasma Rich in Platelet)

ovarian therapy with PRP,rejuvenation therapy for ovaries with plasma rich in platelet
"Ovarian rejuvenation is a procedure that may create new eggs in the ovaries of women who are unable to conceive because of early menopause, advanced maternal age or low oocyte (egg) reserve, yet who wish to have their own biological child.

 These individuals are either unable or unwilling, for their own personal reasons, to use donor eggs or to adopt a child. New eggs do not develop in the ovaries under normal circumstances, and, according to the current scientific understanding of ovarian physiology, a woman is born with all the eggs that will be available for conception during her reproductive life. Furthermore, it is a scientifically undisputed fact that a woman’s supply of eggs diminishes both in number and genetic quality as she ages.

The possibility of ovarian rejuvenation

Although it is not possible for new eggs to be produced naturally, the proposed treatment is based upon a recently published case report* which suggests that new eggs can be produced with the treatment described by the authors of this paper. They reported that a 49 year old postmenopausal woman conceived and delivered a genetically normal, healthy baby after having had a preparation of her own blood cells injected into her ovaries. Such a report naturally creates healthy skepticism.

However, this paper was submitted by legitimate physicians, of professorial rank, at an academic medical institution in Cairo, Egypt.** This paper was presented at a recent international scientific meeting in Germany, in November 2013.*** Given the scientific legitimacy of the authors and the credibility of their institution, scientific fraud is an unlikely possibility. However, the possibility of a coincidental spontaneous conception must be considered. Spontaneous conceptions occurring at the age of 49 have happened, but the actual statistical probability of its occurrence is minuscule. When the rare conception does occur at this age, the pregnancy is always miscarried at a very early stage due to genetic abnormalities, reflecting the poor genetic quality of aged eggs.

The birth of a genetically normal infant makes spontaneous conception, unrelated to the ovarian rejuvenation treatment, extremely unlikely. Spontaneous conception was even more unlikely in this particular woman because she did not have a menstrual period for four years prior to conception and had never conceived in 30 years of marriage..."

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