Thursday, October 19, 2017

Does 1 supergene control sperm size and speed?

supergenes sperm size and speed,genes and quality of sperm
"The shape, size, and swimming speed of sperm all depend on one supergene, according to new research with zebra finches.

The relationship between sperm shape, its ability to move, and its success or failure at fertilization is not completely understood.

Previous studies have shown that sperm shape and speed are inherited—fathers with long, fast sperm have sons with long, fast sperm. The question has been: Which genes are responsible for sperm characteristics being passed from one generation to the next?

A supergene is a number of genes that are next to each other on a chromosome and inherited together as one unit. The importance of supergenes was first proposed in the 1930s, but there was little evidence of them until recently.

“Like humans, birds have sex chromosomes; males have two Z chromosomes and females have a Z and a W,” says Jon Slate, animal and plant sciences professor at the University of Sheffield.

“The zebra finch supergene that affects sperm is on the Z chromosome and has arisen because parts of the Z chromosome have been flipped around. Three different orientations of the Z chromosome (named A, B, and C) now exist and they have been evolving independently of one another for thousands, possibly millions, of years..."

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