Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Experts call for registry of egg donors

registry of egg donors
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"A commentary and accompanying editorial published in the May issue of Reproductive BioMedicine Onlinecalls for a registry of egg donors to monitor long-term health after egg donation.

In the commentary, Dr. Jennifer Schneider and her colleagues document five case histories of women in the US who were egg donors and then later developed breast cancer. Currently there are no registries of egg donors in the UK or in the US, and there are only a few long-term follow up studies on egg donors who have received fertility drugs to help others. This lack of data means that it is difficult to draw a firm conclusion on the effect that fertility drugs in donors may have on cancer risk.

"We don't know, of course, whether there is a likely connection between their egg donation and breast cancer," said Dr. Schneider. "The only way to have a real answer is to begin keeping track of egg donors and to gather information on the long-term health risks of egg donation. Until then, potential egg donors need more realistic and clear explanations about the lack of knowledge about such risks..."

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