Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Researchers find another immune system link science said didn't exist

immune system and infertility
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"The University of Virginia School of Medicine has again shown that a part of the body thought to be disconnected from the immune system actually interacts with it, and that discovery helps explain cases of male infertility, certain autoimmune diseases and even the failure of cancer vaccines.

Scientists developing such vaccines may need to reconsider their work in light of the new findings or risk unintentionally sabotaging their own efforts. UVA's Kenneth Tung, MD, said that many vaccines likely are failing simply because researchers are picking the wrong targets -- targets that aren't actually foreign to the immune system and thus won't provoke the desired immune responses.

Overturning Orthodoxy

Tung, of UVA's Beirne B. Carter Center for Immunology Research, and a team of collaborators have discovered an unexpected interaction between men's testes and the immune system. While science textbooks insist the testes are barricaded from the immune system by an impenetrable wall of cells, the researchers have determined there's actually a very small door in that wall, a door that appears to open in only one direction.

The team discovered that the testes release some, but not all, of the antigens -- substances that can spur an immune response -- that are created during the production of sperm. Because the testes release these antigens naturally, the immune system ignores them. That's a normal, healthy response, but it also may explain why cancer vaccines are failing. Cancer vaccines target antigens, so if vaccine developers rely on antigens that are ignored by the immune system, the vaccine won't work..."

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