Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ovulation,Fertility & Infertility

ovulation and fertility,ovulation and infertility
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"An ovarian cycle follows a natural progression, from the very beginning of the egg growing in its follicle to actual ovulation that releases, typically, one egg from one follicle.

Ovarian Cycle Explained

There's an expression that a picture is worth a thousand words. It's from a Chinese proverb. Below is a picture that shows a healthy ovarian cycle. One thing to note is that there are often many secondary follicles, containing eggs that do not mature. In a typical ovarian cycle, (not a medicated or fertility treatment cycle) one egg matures and is released. The secondary follicles, where eggs do not mature, are reabsorbed by the body.

And although women are born with all the eggs that they will ever have, about two million eggs, in each menstrual cycle there are many eggs that start to develop and then are no longer viable for another ovarian cycle..."

Learn more:   

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