Wednesday, October 12, 2016

First results from the world’s oldest group of ICSI men show they have lower semen quantity and quality

low sperm quality and quantity,icsi injection for male infertility,male infertility,infertility
"First results from the world's oldest group of young men conceived by means of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) fertility treatment because of their fathers' infertility have shown that they have lower sperm quantity and quality than men who were spontaneously conceived.

The study, which is published today (Thursday) in Human Reproduction, has found that these men, who were aged between 18 to 22, had almost half the sperm concentration and a two-fold lower total sperm count [1] and total count of motile sperm (sperm that could swim well) than did naturally conceived men of a similar age.

In addition, compared to men born after spontaneous conception, ICSI men were nearly three times more likely to have sperm concentrations below 15 million per millilitre of semen, which is the World Health Organisation's definition of "normal," and four times more likely to have total sperm counts below 39 million..."

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