Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Opioids regulate spermatozoon formation, research shows

opioids and spermatozoon formation,spermatogenesis and opioids,male infertility and sperm molecular mechanisms

Source: University of the Basque Country | Summary: Infertility has become a major medical and social problem worldwide and many of the cases are due to male infertility. Yet the molecular mechanisms involved in spermatogenesis are only now beginning to emerge. A piece of research has, for the first time, described the presence of opioids in the cells involved in the formation of spermatozoa.

"Infertility has become a major medical and social problem worldwide and many of the cases are due to male infertility. Yet the molecular mechanisms involved in spermatogenesis are only now beginning to emerge. A piece of research led by the UPV/EHU doctor Nerea Subirán has for the first time described the presence of opioids in the cells involved in the formation of spermatozoa. The work has been published in Plos One.

In recent years, over 3% of births per year in developed countries have corresponded to children conceived through assisted reproduction techniques, which poses a considerable economic burden apart from physical and psychological problems. According to the World Health Organisation, the cases of infertility have increased exponentially in developed countries during the last 10 years. 

Specifically, male infertility represents about half of the cases of infertility. Failures during the production of spermatozoa, in other words, during spermatogenesis, produce non-functional or low-quality spermatozoa and therefore infertility. Yet the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of this process remain unknown despite their importance in reproductive health..."

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