Monday, May 30, 2016

Certain types of choline better for babies' immune development

choline and babys immune development,babys immune system and choline
"It's well known that lactating women and their babies need choline to maintain their immune systems, but a new University of Alberta study shows that the kind of choline they consume may be just as important as the amount.

Researchers in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences found that a lipid-soluble form of choline—found mainly in egg yolks, beef and chicken—promotes greater maturation of the immune system in offspring of rodents.

"In early postnatal life, there's rapid development of the immune system, so this is a really critical stage," said Erin Lewis, a PhD candidate co-supervised by nutrition and metabolism experts Catherine Field and Rene Jacobs, in collaboration with analytical chemist Jonathan Curtis.

"The body's liver produces choline in small amounts, so no one had previously shown that dietary choline was also required to support immune development," she said.

Choline is a relatively new essential nutrient, only officially recognized by the U.S. Institute of Medicine in 1998, so its importance hasn't been widely studied. But it is vital to many functions of the human body, from the structure of our cells to nerve transmission. Choline deficiency leads to fatty liver and muscle damage..."

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